Monday, 28 June 2010

Peas and beans

(I like the macro setting a bit too much on my camera...)

Finally, our early peas and broad beans are ready.  A good few have got botrytis mould on the pods so will plant further apart next year for more airflow, which will also help with harvesting.  We're also starting on the broad beans, and the French beans are coming along nicely.

Not bad: we get this about twice a week, but the hot weather's slowing things down now.

Both of these crops will be sown this autumn for overwintering as I am finding that the brassicas that need to go in after the legumes are growing fast in the holding bed and as the peas were sown late, plus the bad weather we've had, they're not ready to be cut down yet.  Overwintering the peas and beans will hopefully get them cropping a month earlier next year and the next crop can go in at the right time.  This will also help with the aphid attacks.

Kelvedon Wonder (right) and Hatif D'Annonay early peas.  
Guess which ones are being sown next year?

1 comment:

  1. I overwintered stuff and the bloody frost killed them all off! Still, a month ahead this year due to the drought....
