Friday, 22 October 2010

Harvesting and massive teas.

"Dinner" is what posh people eat instead of tea.

Dinner = things with "dash of", "foam of", etc, in the description.  You have everything set on the table, with a "serviette" or something, nibbled, with chit-chat.
Tea = lumps of meat with some small vegetables quivering in awe of it, with cutlery banged down by plate, red and brown sauce on standby, shovelled in, in silence.

Went to Strasbourg and ate a massive tea.
The black lump is more meat!

Plot update:

Polytunnel green manured and some winter salads sown up the top.
 Cat on a hot tin roof!  Walnuts and beans drying under the roof.
"We come in peace, Earthlings."
 Squashes harvested.  All 40 of 'em.
 Carrots in before the first frost.  Bit on the chunky side, like.  Deep bed worked, then!
Turkey for christmas? Nope, just the biggest chicken in France - he's about 10lbs, and a right cock.

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