All assembled apart from corner post - which is a bit tricky what with all the corner steps and two strings being mortised into it. Tackle that tomorrow. Tell you what, it's going to be a bloody nightmare assembling it upright! Took me three attempts to do it on the flat.
Corner detail. You would not believe how heavy this is to manoeuvre into position!
Not bad for my first attempt! There are now plans afoot to make the kitchen from scratch ...and anything else I can biscuit joint, rout, saw and chisel.
You must be feeling justifiably proud of yourself. It looks fantastic Benn and kitchen cupboards will be easy-peasy after this! At least by making all these things yourself you know how everything goes together. Quite proud of you both, Mme D.I.Y.
ReplyDeleteAwesome! Ever considered rocket science?
ReplyDeleteMy rocket science is limited to planting it out when it's looking like slug food!