Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Plagues and carrots

Being a bit on the hot side for October, we have a plague of flies - thousands of them!  Like something out of a horror story, the other night they were crawling from the loft through into our bedroom through the hole for the ceiling light, so we ran for it and are now sleeping in the gite until things get back to normal.

We're going to the UK on Sunday so while K is working her socks off I am cleaning and harvesting what might go off if we get a frost (which would also hopefully kill some of these bloody flies).

 Spuds, carrots and beetroot all done.

Cabbages ok, with the savoys still in the ground.  Could have done with some more though...

Squashes lurking in the spare room.


  1. Veggie pics look good, pity about the flies. Ugh!!!

  2. Love those veggies - they're like money in the bank for winter.

  3. soup, soup and more soup, Shame fly harvesting can't be profitable too. Have you something dead in the loft by any chance?
