Monday, 28 January 2013

Pigs. Logs.

Bit of a delay since the last entry, but it's been raining so unbelievably hard that not a lot has been going on to be honest.  Apart from pigs.  And the renovation, of course...

We're sharing these two grubby swines with some of our neighbours, and they (the pigs) have been busy ploughing everyone's spud patches for the coming year.  They're with us for a few weeks then it's lights out piggies!  I can see why you'd get attached to them, they're a lot more interactive than a bloody chicken or our loud and to be frank, bloody annoying geese.  They were a bit annoyed at being woken up to get a photo taken, but soon recovered and went back to bed.

K has been hard at it cutting wood for next year - these are the big bits I keep promising to saw up and never get around to doing.  All from the roadside where the trees were cut to give clearance for the phone lines.  Everyone here has either moved over to pellets or "aerothermie" so we're the only ones with a use for it!

In the middle of sorting out the veg plan for 2013 - we're moving the spuds, corn and squash break into the field so we have 4 extra beds in the veg plot.  This means I can put more brassicas in and generally stop trying to squeeze two crops into one space.  Doesn't really work for me.  In theory we should have a lot more food!  Roll on Spring!