Sunday, 4 August 2013


 Onions drying.

 Garlic done.

 Watermelon coming and there are loads of cantaloupes as well!

 Toms are a bit disappointing this year...

 Red onions are the best we've done so far.  We have about 200 of them!

 Peas a go-go.  

 Squash, courgette, corn and cucumbers taking off.

 140 leeks in.  This year is Big Leek year - spaced well, fed well, watered well, earthed up.

 Spuds are ok, but got blight.  Still, should end up with about 3 barrow loads and the earlies are in storage - 2 sacks - so we won't exactly starve..

 AUTUMN cabbages for sauerkraut!  Got more coming!

Soft fruit all done.  Tons of it!

I blame Chef's Special Sauce.  Sorry, secret recipe.


  1. doing well, and the house looks great!
    dab-a-speed must be helping a wee bit then?
    we're moving all this week but let's fit a skype in
