Thursday, 9 September 2010

A new hobby

I have to repoint the gite, shift the rubble from the gite wall and sort the drainage out, plaster inside the gite, clear the sweetcorn and cucumbers, dig over the potato bed and sow green manure, build rabbit hutches, go to a sawmill and get wood for the gite staircase, paint our bedroom, finish the loft insulation, skim the beer, and collect haws and berries for jam and sauces.

So what did I do today? Sat in the hangar and carved a spoon of course!

Split a small log of lime (I think) wood and trimmed it with an axe, then spent all afternoon carving it with a spoon knife and a sloyd knife from here.

Very hard work, so it was!  The wood was very hard due to being dry as a bone - my hands kept cramping up and I am sporting a few more blisters.  Will do green wood next time.  Even a fancy anthropometric grip and a hook on the end.  Rubbed down with fine sandpaper (not too much though, as you can see) and soaked in sunflower oil.

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