Thursday 2 September 2010

Back to the (Y)UK to stock up on...

Scythes, spoon knives, dried foods, seeds, TEA (thank GOD), socks, billhooks, hand drills, paint that works, beer, stodgy food, and hangovers.

Great to see friends and be able to talk without sounding like Borat ("Hello, I am English, sorry, I not speaking French good, I desire to purchase a wood with no treatment please thankyou"), but the busy-ness and crowds did me in.  And the endless upbeat music everywhere.

Portsmouth sucks.  Nice Thames barge just out of view though.


  1. Recently returned from the UK myself. Always come back with a lot to think about. And wine gums.

  2. If there was a pub in Plonevez, I'd be content. Maybe a bit of woodland as well.
    And a spring.
    And mature fruit trees.
    Never happy, me.
