Sunday 19 June 2011

More gite progress: nearly there at last!

 Main bedroom with hand forged iron door bits on a hand planed (you can tell by the super-rough finish!) ledged door that wouldn't look out of place on the front of a castle.

Shot from the small bedroom to the big one. 

 Inside the big bedroom.  Bit mock-tudor, like...

 Wee bathroom finished.

 Stairs nearly done at last.  Finished in "Essex Theme Pub Rustic Oak That I Wish I Hadn't Bothered With" woodstain.

 Bit gloomy due to the shutters being shut to keep the bloody cats out and off the paintwork!

K's annoyingly good first attempt at tiling in the kitchen.


  1. It all looks great! Now you need a pool table to go with the rustic oak.

    Drowning in tub after tub of raspberry sorbet here. Tough life...

  2. Thanks! We're just drowning in bloody mud here - been chucking it down for a month solid and our rasps are all mouldy! Not fair!
