Saturday 3 September 2011

Main crops

Haven't got any pictures (camera's dead) but please feel free to Google "120kgs of Desiree potatoes".
Should be ok for the winter...

Also harvested the buckwheat and made a right pig's ear of it - I scythed it and the stalks went everywhere, and I left it too long and a load of the seed has "shattered" and been lost on the ground.  Still, it's all a learning experience and most of it is now hanging on a line with a fine net under it (scaffold net again) to catch any seed.
It's funny what a sense of security it brings.  Like Cobbett said, "a couple of flitches of bacon hung up are worth more than fifty thousand Methodist sermons even if accompanied with the horrors of hulk and gibbett".  Food security.

A couple of flitches of bacon is next year's project.


  1. A couple of bacon sandwiches from the caff on the corner are worth more than 50,000 Methodist sermons. But I take your point.

  2. ah but you don't know where the bacon, or sarnie comes from... Nothing beats growing your own. x

  3. Yes you do: the caff!
    Back to Lewes in Oct so will try your "bacon sandwich Anglais" then. And a pint.
